Lisa Corduan is an award-winning author, photographer and corporate trainer. She became a published poet at a young age; her poetry appears in the Treasured Poems of America, Where Dreams Begin, and American Poetry Annual anthologies. Now she enjoys writing heart-warming, fun, action-packed children’s books and thought-provoking devotions. Her children’s manuscripts Daddy, Are You A Duck? and Save Me A Seat received the first place Carolina Christian Writers Award in the Children’s Picture Book category.  She is a member of Word Weavers (Lexington Chapter).

As a mother and corporate trainer, Lisa knows the power of story to illustrate a point, make an impact, and help someone feel engaged and connected. She also knows the importance of play and manipulatives in the learning process, i.e. card games, puzzles, playdough, and (her personal favorite) “trucks and ducks” to help her trainees understand and apply a concept.

Born in the rolling farmlands of North Carolina, Lisa was raised on gospel hymns, southern hospitality, and fried okra. She now lives in Central South Carolina with her husband and one true love, Ralph. They have three sons and daughters (in-law), and four adorable grandchildren. She is an avid reader who enjoys traveling and exploring God’s creation. Lisa’s greatest loves are Jesus Christ, her husband and family, all little children, rainy afternoons, and laughter.